Friday, April 19th was a beautiful, sunny, warm, spring day in Ohio. After a cool and rainy start to the 2007 spring season, this weekend promised to be great. Lance, Ted and Tony met in Greenville at the usual camping spot, for the Fourth annual Greenville Creek Paddle. Since there are no fire rings in the Prairie Ridge Meadow, Darke County Park, Ted had his fire pit on wheels. With an add on grill to cook upon, it sure came in handy for cooking and keeping the night chill off. The three club members talked until time to retire to the tents, except Ted who was sleeping in his vehicle this weekend.
Come morning we awoke to a light frost on the ground. After a breakfast of bacon, eggs and pancakes, graciously supplied by Lance, thoughts turned to canoeing. A guy, named Guy, that works with Ted and formerly Lance, arrived close to nine. Guy planned to spend the day paddling his 1946 Grumman with us. That Grumman battleship must have weight a ton but Guy handled it beautifully. The Greenville Creek was running clear and just a little about normal. You could see evidence of spring flooding where the debris was high in the trees and there was human trash washed up in the logjams.
We canoed the 17 miles from Greenville Park to Croft Road, taking our time and enjoying the countryside. Almost eight hours from start to finish, which is unheard of for an OHCRA trip? Lunch was again at the Bears Mill, where grain is still ground the old fashion way. There were four trees across the river this year. Two we ducked under, one we portaged around and the last one, will let us just say, Ted and Tony went under, Lance got out and pulled over and Guy...well, he sent the canoe over the tree then jumped into the canoe, bouncing back out and into the water. Good thing it was warm enough to have our shirts off. We saw lots of wildlife, deer, geese, ducks, squirrels, owls, groundhogs and a variety of songbirds. Guess the animals were enjoying the beautiful day also.
Back at camp, we started getting food around. Guy, having seen the website of previous Greenville trips, thought there would be many members there and he brought a whole pot of BBQ pulled pork for sandwiches. We sure hope Guy comes back again as his cooking is marvelous.
After supper, Guy had to head for home while the rest of us sat around the fire pit soaking up the flames and talking. Ted turned in early and just after he bowed out, in drives Wil. After a 13-hour workday Wil was glad for the offering of a cold one and some relaxation.
Sunday promised to be another beautiful day. Again, Lance treated us to a
wonderful breakfast of bacon, eggs, pancakes and now, 100% pure maple syrup.
Sure beats dehydrated food. Thanks Lance!! We discussed the tree situation of yesterday and
the spring flooding, then reflected on the
many logjams we traversed last year upstream from camp. A major decision was
made to not canoe the 6-mile stretch
from Coletown back to camp. Instead, we looked at maps and played cornhole. As
Ted, Tony and Lance drifted off to home; Wil just had to get his paddle wet so
he "kayaked" around the Greenville Park area.
For those of you who missed this great weekend, all the 5 of us can say lose!!
But we do hope that next month you will join us as we again paddle, "Around the Bend".
View All Pictures From the Greenville